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Your Next Level Starts When You Stop Giving Your Best and Start Giving What It Takes

Writer's picture: Robert L Lowery 3Robert L Lowery 3

by Robert Lowery III

In the pursuit of growth and personal development, many of us often find ourselves striving to give our best. We push ourselves to the limits, burn the midnight oil, and tirelessly pursue our goals. This relentless dedication to our best selves is commendable, but what if I told you that sometimes, giving your best isn't enough to reach your next level? What if the key to unlocking your full potential of who God is calling you to become is to do what it takes, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone?

"Growth is just as uncomfortable as stagnation; the only difference is that one is intentional."

Robert Lowery III

These words echo a profound truth. Growth requires discomfort. It demands that we shed our old ways, challenge our limitations, and confront our fears. But here's the catch: you won't rise above any form of limitation if you expect to be limited. Your mindset plays a crucial role in determining your success. If you believe you can only achieve so much, you'll unintentionally impose limits on yourself causing every action to impede your growth. To overcome these limits, you must shift your perspective and be open to embracing discomfort.

It's essential to understand that your journey to the next level won't be a smooth process. You can't always predict how things will unfold, and some of your greatest battles will be fought when you're tired, weary, and stretched to your limits. Instead of fearing these moments, it's time to accept and embrace them.

Comfortable fights are battles that offer no real reward. True growth and transformation happen when you're pushed beyond your comfort zone, when you dare to give what it takes instead of giving your best. As we embark on this journey, we must recognize that there's no universal formula for success. What it takes for one person to reach their next level may be entirely different from what another person needs. That's the beauty of personal growth—it's a unique and individualized process. Consider the story of a mother lifting a car to save her child who’s stuck underneath. In that life-or-death moment, she taps into a reservoir of strength she never knew she had. Similarly, you may possess untapped potential that can only be revealed when you push yourself to the edge. You may need to do things you never thought possible to reach your next level. This process can be uncomfortable and challenging. It may even require you to let go of your preconceived notions, fears, and insecurities.

We all carry baggage, and often, it's our own self-sabotaging thoughts that hold us back. But, it's time to release these burdens and step into your true potential. Adversity, as the saying goes, reveals a person to themselves. While facing adversity may be tough, it's also an opportunity to discover your true capabilities. It's a chance to find out what you're made of and to silence the doubts and insecurities that have held you back for too long. We all have a story to share, but sometimes, fear and self-doubt prevent us from doing so. This fear can manifest as a lack of confidence in our own abilities or the belief that our experiences aren't valuable. The truth is that your story matters, and it's worth sharing.

Whether you're called to be an author, pastor, leader, a nonprofit founder, a business owner, or something else entirely, this is your season to let go of wanting a reward for doing your best and increase your faith to do what’s required. It's easy to get caught up in the cycle of "getting ready." We prepare ourselves endlessly, thinking we're not yet equipped to take the next step. However, opportunities often pass us by while we're still "getting ready." It's time to recognize that the door to your next level is wide open, and you must take that next step boldly. In this season of transformation, you must stop merely giving your best and start giving what it takes. You may not always feel ready or confident, but remember, feelings don't dictate your future. Your future is determined by your actions, your commitment to move forward, and your willingness to embrace discomfort. Are you serious about becoming all God is calling you to be? Who will you be in the years to come? To find out, you must force yourself out of your comfort zone. You won't feel confident or fearless, but as you take those uncertain steps, you'll discover a strength within you that you never knew existed. Ultimately, your journey to your next level isn't about perfection; it's about progress. It's about consistently moving forward, even when the path is unclear. Gauge your growth by how many steps you take toward your purpose each year, not by how comfortable you feel.

This is your season to stop giving your best and start giving what it takes. Embrace the discomfort, silence your doubts, and step boldly into your future. Your next level awaits, and it's time to claim it.

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